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Socks for Sam

Calling all Knitters!

Sam Buck an 8th grader with VWM whose amazing teachers have started the incredible Socks for Sam project. They are asking knitters to create a sock of any design and send it to the project. By sending in a sock, you will automatically be entered in some fantastic giveaways. Socks will then be sold for Mismatched Day in April to raise money for the VWM Families Foundation

Check out their website and follow on instagram - and all knitters, consider knitting and sending in a sock. Details beliw!


"Sending a sock is easy, and every knit sock you send us will enter you into one of our giveaways. You can send us a single sock, or as many as you'd like. Please include in your envelope your name, address, and contact info so we can enter you into our giveaways.

It goes without saying, but please only send us clean unworn knit socks.

Socks can be sent to

ATTN: Socks For Sam

Western Middle School

1 Western Junior Highway

Greenwich CT 06830"

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